
23 September 2013

A partnership between two of Queensland’s iconic agricultural training providers will deliver enhanced opportunities for rural skills training in SE Qld.

The СƵ325 of Queensland Gatton Vocational Training Centre (UQ-GVEC) and the Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC) have developed vocational courses for joint delivery at the СƵ325’s Gatton campus, commencing in 2014.

Minister for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, Dr John McVeigh, said the partnership would make certificate courses and industry skills training more accessible in the Lockyer Valley.

“Anyone in southeast Queensland wanting to study full or part time for a rural sector qualification, from training to tertiary degree, will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of the СƵ325’s Gatton Campus, including its production facilities and industry-qualified and relevant instructors.

“As a recent graduate from UQ Gatton I am pleased to be able to announce this program as a wonderful example of joint initiatives that are necessary to ensure the right skills are available in the future to meet the Queensland Government’s strategic vision of doubling agricultural production by 2040” said Dr McVeigh.

Director of the Gatton Campus Janelle Zahmel said, “The arrangement between UQ and AACC will focus on skills that lead to jobs in agricultural industries and provide pathways into further tertiary study options at UQ Gatton.“

The initial joint courses to be offered next year include a Certificate III in Agriculture or Rural Operations which, on completion, will provide entry towards the new Diploma in Agricultural Technologies.

Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience at the СƵ325’s production facilities at Gatton and undertake studies in animal management, nutrition, pasture management and planning.

The Queensland Certificate in Agriculture (QCA) course will be available for those seeking a shorter and more applied focus on rural skills. The QCA also provides a pathway to the Agricultural Diploma program.

Students who complete the Diploma of Agricultural Technologies will have the option to continue towards a Bachelor of Applied Science.

For more information about the or to enrol call 1800 888 710, enquiries@aacc.edu.au or 54 601353 www.uq.edu.au/gatton/gvec.

AACC media contact: Kate Niblett, Marketing Manager, Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC) Mob: 0428 155 552, kate.niblett@aacc.edu.au

UQ Contact: Erin Pearl, Marketing and Communications Co-coordinator, СƵ325 of Queensland Mob: 0409265587, (07) 5460 1229 e.pearl@uq.edu.au