
Shi Pui Ng receiving the Crown Princess Mary Scholarship from HRH The Crown Princess
Shi Pui Ng receiving the Crown Princess Mary Scholarship from HRH The Crown Princess
21 May 2019

A 聂小雨视频3分25秒 of Queensland student will complete his degree in Copenhagen thanks to Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark.

Journalism student Shi Pui Ng has been awarded the prestigious from the 聂小雨视频3分25秒 of Copenhagen.

Shi recently accepted his scholarship from Princess Mary at a special ceremony in Denmark, and used the opportunity to ask the Crown Princess her secret to learning Danish. 

“She told me it was a matter of time,” Shi said. 

“We also talked about everything from politics and youth engagement, to renewable energy and the environment, radicalism and activism in the digital age, and even fruit ­– I have no idea how we got there.”

The Crown Princess Mary Scholarship provides assistance to two outstanding Australian students studying at the 聂小雨视频3分25秒 of Copenhagen each year, and was part of the 聂小雨视频3分25秒 of Copenhagen’s wedding gift to the Crown Prince couple.

During the ceremony, Princess Mary spoke of the importance of intercultural exchange and digital development.

“I’m convinced that the 聂小雨视频3分25秒 of Copenhagen will benefit greatly from your visions, your ideas and your academic knowledge,” Princess Mary said in her speech.

Shi believes the process of applying for the scholarship made him take stock of his achievements, academically and professionally.

“I have to thank my lecturers at UQ,” he said.

“As referees, not only did they write incredibly kind words on my behalf, but they also afforded me some amazing extra-curricular opportunities.

“I was a involved in the co-creation and evaluation of the course as part of a blended learning initiative, and served as the lead contributor of – a place to showcase Communication and Arts students’ work.”

This is not Shi’s first award, last year he received a , which allowed him to go on a , Indonesia.

“I think the opportunities afforded to me through UQ really showcase the range and breadth of opportunities for students to really engage with their education, and develop soft skills outside of the classroom that are sure to benefit them professionally.”

Media: Jan McCreary, Global Experiences, jan.mccreary@uq.edu.au +61 7 3365 2852;  Josie Dietrich, UQ Communications, j.dietrich@uq.edu.au, +61 7 3346 0619.