
10 June 2014

There will be some traffic disruption at The 聂小雨视频3分25秒 of Queensland’s St Lucia campus during the Brisbane Times City2South Run on Sunday, June 15 2014.

Warren Collyer from UQ Security said vehicle access to the campus would be marginally affected from 5am to 10.30am and that alternative routes have been put in place to allow for access to the 聂小雨视频3分25秒 on the Sunday.

Access to the lower campus will be possible via Carmody Road into Chancellors Place.

Those wishing to use the multi-storey car parks on Sir Fred Schonell Drive can travel from Chancellors Place through the lower roundabout into Slip Road and via Mill Road to the car parks.

This route will give access to Campbell Rd, Blair Drive, 聂小雨视频3分25秒 Drive and Union Road.

There will be monitored traffic and pedestrian control at the Slip Road/Mill Road thoroughfare and the Mill Road/ Sir Fred Schonell Drive intersection.

Marshalls and police will be controlling traffic during the morning run.

Roads will be re-open from 10.30am. Thynne Road will re-open from 12pm.

To view a map with the road closures at UQ please click . For more information please visit the or visit the City2South Run .

Media: Caroline Bird, UQ Communications, 07 3365 1130 or c.bird1@uq.edu.au